Friday, August 24, 2007

Den kenn ich doch! / I know this fella'!

Beim Spaziergang entlang Stockholms wunderscheener Wasserfront kam mir ploetzlich jemand ziemlich bekannt vor... Da war ploetzlich ein Onsen-sitzender Makake

Zu sehen momentan auf der Ausstellung von Steve Bloom, "Spirit Of The Wild". Unbedingt sehenswert und aktuell in Europa unterwegs.


During a stroll along the beautiful water front of Stockholm I suddenly met an old aquaintance from Japan - the onsen-loving macacaque.

Currently part of Steve Bloom's "Spirit Of The Wild" in Stockholm, the exhibition is touring through Europe's capitals. Don't miss it!


Blogger Lacking Productivity said...

whoo hoo! English translation! I always copy/paste your posts into free, online translators that don't make any sense! Thanks!

And thanks for the link...those pictures are gorgeous.

6:58 AM  

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